Back and Neck Pain
Whether spinal pain is bought on by a sedentary work life environment, postural strain, physical activity or an unconfirmed cause, it can severely impact people’s day to day lives. Physiotherapy assessment, treatment and the correct advice can be crucial to relieving pain and discomfort in both the short and long term.
Call or text 07956255427 to enquire.
What causes back pain?
In most cases it is not possible to identify the exact cause of back pain. It is important to know that any kind of structural damage is rare. Many physiological or psychological factors can cause back and neck pain and often a combination of these are involved.
Sometimes there are specific causes for spinal pain, especially when there is leg or arm pain, pins and needles or numbness too. This can be caused by irritation or compression of the nerves in the spine.
How can physiotherapy help?
Our physiotherapists are experienced in treating all types and causes of spinal pains, so can provide you with advice and exercises on how to keep active to aid your recovery. Training in other treatments such as manual therapy and acupuncture can also assist these active measures to ease your pain and discomfort. Everyone one is different so there is no one single posture, activity or exercise you should adopt, this is where we can help. What we do know is that sustaining the same posture for long periods can stress our spinal joints and cause aches and pains– so regular movement is key.
The best way to prevent re-occurrences is to regain mobility and strength not only in your spine but your whole body. This will give you the ability and confidence to get back to normal living.
10 Things you should know about back pain- read here
Symptoms to be aware of:
These symptoms are very rare, but you should contact your doctor or a medical professional if you experience any of them:
1) Difficulty passing urine or having a sensation to pass water that is not there.
2) Numbness /tingling in your genitals or buttock areas
3) Loss of bladder or bowel control
4) Impaired sexual function, such as loss of sensation during intercourse
5) Loss of power in your legs
6) If you are experiencing pain that runs down the back of BOTH legs
7) Feeling unwell with your back, such as fever or significant sweating that wakes you from sleep.
We now offer both in clinic and virtual online appointments. If you have any questions do contact us.
We work with some Major Health insurers including but not limited to:
To claim seek authorization for physiotherapy from your insurers before treatment starts.
Contact Us
Louise Jewers Physiotherapy
Hogarth Health Club
Airedale Avenue
W4 2NW
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Louise Jewers Chartered Physiotherapist MCSP, Member of the Health Professions Council HPC, Physiofirst & MACP, AACP
Louise Jewers Physiotherapy Ltd
Registered in England & Wales no 13308234
Registered address- 71-75 Shelton Street
Greater London
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